Entitativity means the consideration of something as pure entity , ie, the mental abstraction from waiting circumstances.
In psychology , it typically refers to the perception of a group as a pure entity (an entitative group), abstracted from its attendant individuals . It is different [ how? ] from holistic perception . Operationally, entitativity can also be defined as a collection of social targets (eg, individuals) as owning unity and coherence (eg, a group) . Entitativity is highest for intimacy groups , such as the family, lower for task groups, lower even for social categories (eg, people of the same religion), and lowest rates for transit groups, such as people waiting for the same bus stop (Lickel et al., 2000).
Campbell (1958). The two groups are considered to be involved in the grouping of individuals. It is suggested that people rely on certain perceptual cues as they play a role in the game. emotions, this gives them entitativity) (Forsyth, 2010).
Additionally, Campbell (1958) Emphasized three cues That Individuals can use to make Judgments Regarding entitativity: common fate (the extent to qui Individuals in the aggregate sccm to experience interrelated outcomes), similarity (the extent to qui the Individuals display la même Behaviors gold resemble one another), and proximity(the distance between individuals in the aggregate). To illustrate how we make those judgments, consider the example of people sharing a table at a library. They could be friends who are studying together, or they may also be strangers happening to share the same table. If you’re wondering whether this is an actual group, you would look at their common fate, similarity, and proximity. Common fate may be something like a group of people getting along and leaving together while talking or laughing about themselves. Similarity could be as simple as noticing that they are all using the same textbooks or notes, or that they are coming to the same t-shirts to organizations (ie, fraternity, university group). Finally, their physical proximity to one another (ie,
There are two proposed antecedents for entitativity perception ( Ip, Chiu, & Wan, 2006 ):
- physical similarity
- goal / behavior similarity.
See also
- Collective responsibility
- Collective punishment
- Reification (fallacy)
- śūnyatā
- Campbell, DT (1958). Common fate, similarity, and other indices of the status of aggregates Behavioral Science, 3, 14-25.
- Ip, GWM, Chiu, CY, & Wan, C. (2006). Birds of a feather and birds flocking together: Physical versus behavioral cues may lead to trait- versus goal-based group perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 90,368-381.
- Forsyth, DR (2010). Group Dynamics (5th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
- Lickel, B., Hamilton, DL, Sherman, SJ (2001). Elements of a lay theory of groups: Types of groups, relational styles, and the perception of group entitativity. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 129-140.
- Lickel, B., D. Hamilton, G. Wieczorkowska, A. Lewis, S. Sherman, and A. N Uhles. (2000). Varieties of groups and the perception of group entitativity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78, no. 2: 223-246. link to pdf